Wednesday 28 September 2011

Canadian Money: The Loonie

The Canadian $1 dollar coin, commonly referred to as a "loonie" because it depicts a loon on the face of the coin, was released in 1987 and replaced the old $1 dollar bills that we used to have. The change was made to save the government quite a bit of money as coins last much longer in circulation then bills do.

Both sides of the former $1 bill

I was a kid when this happened and I remember being kinda upset and thought about how much heavier my pockets would be caring all those coins.  Over time I have grown to prefer the coins, it just makes more sense to me to have a few loonies in my pocket and any excess in a jar at home instead of having thick wads of bills in my already over stuffed wallet. Also having $1 coins in my jar tends to help me save more money when I roll my coins up to bring to the bank... or maybe I'm just used to them after all these years.

Both sides of Canadian $1 dollar coin or "Loonie"

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