Wednesday 28 September 2011

Canadian Money: The Loonie

The Canadian $1 dollar coin, commonly referred to as a "loonie" because it depicts a loon on the face of the coin, was released in 1987 and replaced the old $1 dollar bills that we used to have. The change was made to save the government quite a bit of money as coins last much longer in circulation then bills do.

Both sides of the former $1 bill

I was a kid when this happened and I remember being kinda upset and thought about how much heavier my pockets would be caring all those coins.  Over time I have grown to prefer the coins, it just makes more sense to me to have a few loonies in my pocket and any excess in a jar at home instead of having thick wads of bills in my already over stuffed wallet. Also having $1 coins in my jar tends to help me save more money when I roll my coins up to bring to the bank... or maybe I'm just used to them after all these years.

Both sides of Canadian $1 dollar coin or "Loonie"

Thursday 22 September 2011

Canadian Accent, part 1

So about 4 years ago I turned on my webcam and just started talking about Canadian's accents. I didn't have a script and didn't really have a point, I just really started rambling about it. I posted this video on youtube and somehow over the years it has gotten 100,000+ views.

video in question:

I was kinda stunned at the "success" of this video, so I figured I should follow it up with another video on the same subject Again, I just recorded myself rambling, and I'm pretty sure I had a few drinks before making the video as well.. maybe that explains it a bit.

This video never had quite the success of the first one, getting about 25,000+ views, likely due to them having already suffered enough from watching part 1. I was still pretty surprised that it had even this many views. I figure that people around the world have an interest in accents and the differences in culture from one country to another. 

 Anyways, today I realize how kinda silly my whole "rant" in the videos are. There is no one single all encompassing Canadian accent, just like there is no one lone American or English accent. People's accents are regional and Canada is a very large country, so Canadians speak with many unique accents as you have everything from Atlantic Canada accents to Québécois accents and too many more to mention.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Living in Canada

I've decided to create a blog about growing up and living In Canada. It may or may not be different from your experiences, but it may be interesting to some... okay maybe just me... to have all these things written down in one spot.

I plan on making posts about health care, politics, TV shows, food, accents, cities, landmarks and more. I will personally not be talking about how I think Canada is better or worse then XYZ country because any of these things, but rather will just be discussing them. Anyone is free to comment, question, argue, agree or challenge me about anything I say.

I hope that over time this page can grow into what I imagine in my head.